Saturday, September 26, 2020

Social Distancing Book Signing - How we made this happen.


I was invited by my local library and Friends of the Library non-profit to do a book signing the second week of September.

However, this town was under a level two evacuation order and covered in ash the day of the signing so we rescheduled.

Then came the rain storms that were an answer to prayers.

This is the Pacific Northwest and rain never stopped anyone so we did the book signing outdoors, under a canopy, in the middle of the storm. 

In order to do the book signing I had to follow some specific rules.

All the books had to be pre-signed and then sealed for SIX days. 

I stayed up late one night with the kitten and signed 200 books. (Thinking positive).

Notice the hand sanitizer on the table.

The whole book sale was outdoors and under a canopy.

This young man was my helper. Book sales are totally his thing and he bought a whole bag of new/used books and a "Texas size" doughnut with hot chocolate.
Perfect for this cold, rainy day.

Over all 88 books found new homes. 
Not bad for a small town, recovering from a natural disaster and evacuation, in the middle of a pandemic, and in a heavy rainstorm. 

I owe the success to the Friends of the Library organization for helping to organize this event and advertised me as the featured author. They also put my table right next to the cashier, "Kathy", who also helped to pitch my book to everyone checking out ;) - Thank you, Kathy!

My favorite part of the day was a mom who brought her tween daughter (an aspiring author) to see me and get Watcher books for their book club. They asked me what my number one advice is for someone wanting to be an author. Simple: "Don't give up. Keep going, keep learning, keep trying."

Follow your local COVID guidelines.
This post is not medical or safety advice, only an explanation of how I did this in my area under local direction.


  1. We lived in Portland for 16 years and still consider it home❤️ . My husband grew up in Ashland. Where was this book signing? We onow the area very well. How interesting your story is!!

    1. We did this signing in Canby, OR. It is just south of Portland. <3

  2. We lived in Portland for 16 years and we still consider at home. My husband grew up in Ashland. We know the area well. Where was your book signing? I think this story is pretty inspiring.


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