Title: Felicity~ A Sparrow's Tale | Author: Loralee Evans | Illustrators: Loralee Evans and Rachel Evans | Publish Date: October 2014 | Recommended Ages: 8-13 |
Summary: Tales of adventure and danger have thrilled Felicity since Augustus taught her to read as a little nestling. She adores the tales of heroes and heroines who forge ahead in spite of all odds, and who always seem to succeed no matter what. More than anything, Felicity wants to be brave and selfless like them. But adventures are in short supply, especially for someone who's just an ordinary sparrow. Until the day an unexpected visitor shows up at her tree with an unusual request...
Summary: Tales of adventure and danger have thrilled Felicity since Augustus taught her to read as a little nestling. She adores the tales of heroes and heroines who forge ahead in spite of all odds, and who always seem to succeed no matter what. More than anything, Felicity wants to be brave and selfless like them. But adventures are in short supply, especially for someone who's just an ordinary sparrow. Until the day an unexpected visitor shows up at her tree with an unusual request...
About the Author: Some of Loralee Evans' earliest memories are of sitting with her mom or dad while they read her stories like The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter, or Make Way for Ducklings by Robert McCloskey. These memories, along with many great teachers who got her excited about about reading, are what helped her develop a love of books, and of writing. She has lived in Missouri, Texas, and Utah, and even spent a year and a half in Japan. Some of her favorite authors are James Dashner, Harper Lee, C.S. Lewis, Heather B. Moore, Rachel Ann Nunes, Candace Salima, J. Scott Savage, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Julie Wright. Felicity~ A Sparrow's Tale is her fourth book.
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Amazon Paperback: http://www.amazon.com/ Felicity~-Sparrows-Tale- Loralee-Evans/dp/0692306919/ ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid= 1428457318&sr=8-4&keywords= loralee+evans
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