Saturday, May 7, 2011

Who do you write like?

I found this way fun site: where you paste in a writing sample and it analyzes your writing style to tell you who you write like. WAY COOL, HUH?

These are mine:

I Write Like by Mémoires, journal software. Analyze your writing!

I write like
Ursula K. Le Guin

I Write Like by Mémoires, journal software. Analyze your writing!

I write like
Neil Gaiman

I Write Like by Mémoires, journal software. Analyze your writing!

I was hoping C.S. Lewis would come up because we write similar themes, but my actual style is more modern.

Go a head and give it a try!!!


  1. Very cool. I posted 3 excerpts and got Stephen King each time!

  2. I posted 2, the first scene of my first chapter and the final scene of the book, and got James Joyce both times. Hmm, maybe Irish writers just have a common way of writing?

  3. Hmm okay, whe I pasted in my entire ms, it told me I write like Chuck Palahniuk.

    He's... different than Joyce, certainly.

  4. I did this some time ago and it came up Nabokov. I should try it again and see if my writing style has changed! (I also thought of writing some gobbledegook and seeing who it came up with....)

  5. This is way cool! I got Stephen King, L.Frank Baum and Agatha Christie. Now if only I could get other people to think I write this well, I would have no worries! :)

  6. I'll give it a try as well...thank you for the help!...:)JP

  7. Hey, I just posted yesterday about I Write Like. It's such a fun tool for writers to play around with. ;)

  8. An excerpt of my blog told me I write like Lovecraft while some of my novel came out with Lewis Carrol! This is insanely cool

  9. Very cool! I posted a small sample of my new novel, "Treasure of El Grado Escaso" and the analysis said that I write like Ernest Hemingway. I then posted a much bigger sample of the "in progress" novel and it still said that I write like Ernest Hemingway.
    I next posted several excerpts from my yet unpublished book, "Three Seconds On, Three Seconds Off" (about my growing up on a lighthouse on the west coast of Canada)for analysis and it said I write like Edgar Allen Poe. For my third and final post, I plugged in some of my novel, "In Ravenscrag's Shadow" and it said that I write like Stephen King. I'm definitely flattered!

  10. I love how this module works.
    I got Anne Rice, J.K. Rowling, and Stephen King... Hmm, okay.
    Fun to play around with though ^_^

  11. How fun! I was honored and pleasantly surprised to get Mary Shelley! :)

  12. My blog is like Chuck Palahniuk and my book is like - J.D. Salinger and Ursula K. Le Guin. How VERY cool!

  13. This is awesome. I did it on 4 pieces and it came up with 4 authors, I'm a schizophrenic.

  14. You know, it was recommended we be prepared to answer who we write like before I went in and did a pitch. I had no idea. I could compare stories, but not writing styles. Just now I got Dan Brown and H.P. Lovecraft.

  15. Apparently I write like Mark Twain....:D

  16. I will try this on Monday and let you know. Later.

  17. Looks like I write like Lovecraft too. Came up twice.

  18. That was fun! I write like Stephen King, which is okay with me - even though I don't write scary stuff.

  19. Heh :-D

    I put in my 'Z' post from the A to Z challenge, which I modeled on What the Tortoise said to Achilles by Lewis Carroll... and it said I write like Lewis Carroll. This pleases me mucho.

    Thanks for sharing this!

  20. This is really neat! My latest blog post got Cory Doctorow. Thanks for sharing.

  21. Hi Deirdra! I have a blog award for you, so come by my blog tomorrow to claim it.


  22. I decided to try this for fun and got Kurt Vonnegut. Maybe I'll try again tomorrow and see if it changes.


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