Thursday, April 28, 2011

X - Xanthous, Xanadu, and Other Exciting Names For Colors (Colour)

Xanthous, Xanadu, and Other Exciting Names For Colors (Colour):

Black: anthracite, black pearl, blue-black, coal, ebony, inky, jet, licorice, midnight, obsidian onyx, pitch, raven, shadow, soot/sooty, tar

Blue: aqua, aquamarine, azure, baby, blue-gray, blue-green, cadet, Caribbean, cerulean, cobalt, cornflower, delft, denim, electric, federal, indigo, jay, lapis, marine, midnight, navy, neon, ocean, peacock, periwinkle, powder, robin’s egg, royal , sapphire, sky, soldier, teal, turquoise, ultramarine, Wedgewood, cyan, glaucous, iceberg, iris steel blue

Blown/Beige: almond, amber, bay, bronze, brunette, buckskin, cafe au lait, caramel, chestnut, chocolate, cinnamon, cocoa, coffee, copper, dirt, earth, ecru, espresso, fawn, ginger, khaki, London tan, mahogany, maple, mocha, mud, mushroom, nut, nutmeg, oatmeal, peanut butter pecan, raisin, roan, rosewood, sable, saddle, sandy, sepia, sienna, sorrel, tan/tanned, taupe, tawny, toffee, tortoise shell, tumbleweed, umber, walnut, burnt umber, auburn, buff, fawn, wheat

Gray (US) or Grey (UK): ash, charcoal, chrome, dove, pearl, silver, gunmetal, smoky, soot, steel, Arsenic, storm, mist Platinum, Xanadu

Green: apple, asparagus, avocado, celadon, hazel, celery chartreuse, emerald, forest, grass, hunter, jade, Kelly, leaf, lettuce, lime malachite, mint, mist, moss, olive, Palmolive, pea, peridot, pine, pistachio, puce, sage, sea foam, seaweed shamrock, spring, verdant, pear, camouflage, clover, fern, honey dew, myrtle, tea, teal, pine, spruce, spring

Orange: apricot, auburn, burnt orange, carrot, copper, coral, goldfish, mandarin, nectarine, peach, persimmon, rust(y), salmon, shrimp, tangerine, terra cotta, amber, champagne, coral, flaming, gamboge, gold, pumpkin, papaya, tangerine

Pink: almond pink, blush, bubblegum, carnation, cotton candy, electric, flamingo, fuchsia, hot, neon, petal, rose, rubescent, shocking, amaranth, amaranth, cherry blossom, coral, fandango, hot magenta, puce, tea rose, thulian

Purple: amethyst, grape, heliotrope, lavender, lilac, mauve, plum, royal tyrian, violet, wisteria, wood violet, periwinkle, eggplant, indigo, orchid, thistle

Red: apple, beat, blood, brick, burgundy, candy apple, cardinal, carmine, cerise, cherry, cinnabar, claret, cochineal, cranberry, crimson, currant, fire engine, flame, garret, henna, lobster, maroon, ox-blood, poppy, radish, raspberry, rose, rubicund, ruby, russet, scarlet, siam, strawberry, titian tomato, vermillion, wine, amaranth, auburn, cerise, coquelicot, coral red, lava, persimmon, redwood, rosewood, rust

White: alabaster, argent, bleached, bone, buff, cadminum, chalk, china, cream ecru, eggshell, ivory, lily, linen, magnolia, marble, milky mist, moonstone, Navajo, off-white, opal, oyster, parchment, pearl, porcelain, quartz, snow, vanilla, white jade, beige, ghost white, old lace, seashell

Yellow: ash blond, blond, brassy, burnished, butter, buttercup, daffodil, fool’s gold, gold(en), goldenrod, honey, jonquil, lemon, ochre, palomino, platinum, primrose, dun, tawny, flaxen, sandy, straw, hay, citron, canary, topaz, ochre, sulfur, mustard, butterscotch, yellow-green, dandelion, wheat, amber, sunglow, maize, citrine, aureolin, xanthous


For more fun color names visit:


  1. An excellent letter X and most informative. Thank you.


  2. Great list! Describing colours in a unique way can lend so much to a narrative.

  3. I will mark this when I need some unique color descriptions! woah!
    happy x day =)

  4. Wow, this is a grand idea. Thanks.

  5. What a fun way to handle X. Thank you for that.

  6. This is a fun post! It's like a delightful box of Crayola crayons. :)

  7. Very colourful list! :O)

  8. I am so bookmarking this post! Most excellent!!! What a great array of descriptions instead of just the brown coat, the orange cat... Thanks for the intriguing list!!!!

  9. Wow! This post is wonderful! Like a mini color thesaurus. :) I love the variation in words for each color and how they are so different, yet similar. They're tied together with meaning. I'm going to have to share this one with my writing friends. :)

    Reflections on Writing

  10. This is very useful stuff. Gonna print for future reference. Thanks!

  11. I found another one for green! Zinnober - chrome green :)


  12. I FINALLY got to catch up to your blog! And I decided to comment on this one especially since I love it so much! This is amazing! You have wonderful ideas!

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