Deirdra: When did you first know you wanted to be an author?
Rachael: I'm not sure, to be honest. My sister and I started a joke of a book when I was in high school, but beyond 30 pages, it didn't go anywhere. In college, I officially started what is now Divinely Designed, so I'd have to say college.
Deirdra: What is your writing and educational background?
Rachael: I have a B.S. in business finance. Funny thing is I always hated English--way too subjective for my tastes. Go figure.
Deirdra: What makes you passionate about writing?
Rachael: I love, love, love to read!!! There's nothing like sinking your mind into a book that you don't want to put down. Now I love creating the stories as well as reading them.
Deirdra: How do you find time to write, especially with little ones at home?
Rachael: That's the hardest part for me. When I was in college, I remember stopping by a bookstore where an author happened to be doing a signing. I asked her the same question, and she told me that she wrote from 8 to 5 every day. Her husband did a lot of the housework, and her little ones learned to entertained themselves (she had a 2-year-old at the time). I was so unimpressed with her answer that I stopped reading her books. Now that I'm in a similar situation, I'm much less judgmental, but I still try to put my children first. So most of my writing is done at night, after they go to bed or during nap time. It's difficult, and it takes longer for me to finish a manuscript, but it works for now. And I'm a far cry from a decent homemaker.
Deirdra: Can you tell us about your book Luck of the Draw. How did you come up with such a hilarious idea? Don't tell me this was based on a true experience.
Rachael: It was, actually. A similar situation happened to a friend of my sisters. Some dolt of a guy thought it'd be a riot to date 6 roommates at the same time. When the girls inevitably found out, one of them invited the guy out for dinner. When he showed up at the restaurant, he found all six girls together, finishing up dinner. They left him with the bill. :) I thought the story was funny, so I borrowed the premise and went from there.
Deirdra: Holy Smokes! That is so funny!!!!
Deirdra: Can you tell us about your book Divinely Designed?
Rachael: It's a fun, sweet little love story about a girl named Kennedy, who moved to Phoenix for an interior designer job. She got a flat tire along the way and met Braxton, a handsome CEO of a home-building company. They are thrown together a few times after that, and eventually he hired her to decorate some of his model homes. I'm sure you can predict the rest.
Deirdra: How many beta readers do you have review your manuscript before you send it to your editor?
Rachael: With my first two books, I had a few siblings and friends give me their input. With my third, the one I'm about to send off to my publisher, my mom and two of my sisters read through it and then I handed it off to my new critique group. They are incredible and have helped me so much. I am now a huge proponent of critique groups--especially mine. :)
Deirdra: What do you hope readers will get from your books?
Rachael: Enjoyment, and with any luck, and uplifting look at life. Falling in love is such a fabulous time for everyone, so it's fun to relive that experience in books.
Deirdra: What’s your secret to making the character’s in your books come to life?
Rachael: I try to make them real, every-day people, with fun, slightly sarcastic personalities, and involved in situations that could happen to any of us. If I can't relate to a character, I typically don't like them much, so I try to make mine relate-able.
Deirdra: What is your favorite snack to have while you are writing?
Rachael: Any combination of chocolate and peanut butter. I also love apples and nuts.
Deirdra: Besides writing what other talents or hobbies do you have?
Rachael: Because I'm behind the computer so much, I happily embrace any outdoor activity. Skiing, hiking, jogging, gardening . . . I'm pretty much game for anything, so long as it doesn't involve heights. Recently, my husband's introduced me to wake-surfing. Now that's fun.
Deirdra: What words of advice do you have for other writers who desire to have their manuscripts become books in print?
Rachael: I suppose the best advise I could give is to write a story you'd love to devour. It will never resonate with others if it doesn't start with you. Read a few books on writing, attend a few conferences, learn some basics, and then revise, revise, revise, until you are thoroughly sick of your story and think it's the most ridiculous thing ever written. Then you'll know it's time to search for a publisher. :)
Deirdra: What are you working on now?
Rachael: I'm a few days away from submitting a book currently called Minor Adjustments. Set in Australia, it's about an American named Devon who discovers he's been left a four-year-old Australian child. He heads to Sydney where he comes face-to-face with a tenacious solicitor, Stella, and soon realizes his life is about to turn upside down. It has a touch more drama than my first two books, but it's still a fun story.
Great interview! Rachael is a wonderful author. Everyone will love Minor Adjustments.
ReplyDeleteMinor Adjustments is a great story--I love it!
ReplyDeleteAfter reading this interview I now have a vision of Rachael wake-boarding with hairy legs. Hmmm . . .
Great interview!
Nice interview. Good luck with your books!
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed the review. Now look forward to reading "Minor Adjustments.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much, everyone! And Rebecca, I'm embarrassed to admit that has happened. Yeah, try not to picture it. :) And Deirdra, thanks again! I love your blog and can't wait to read one of your books.
ReplyDeleteGood interview. Do you know why you're afraid of heights? I know why I am. When I was in Kindergarten, our class was forced to climb up a lighthouse and walk the top perimeter--with only a thin rail to hang onto and nothing underneath it!
ReplyDeleteLove the part about finding time to spend with kids. I'm SO THERE!!! And as a dad and husband, I have a full-time job, with all the duties involved with fatherhood and church-hood.
ReplyDeleteBut when you love writing, you make time for it!